Packing and Movies

Monday, 7/23/18

I watched the news today…oh boy! Fires raging in Yosemite and San Marcos; the east coast flooding; lethal temperatures skyrocketing in the southwest (here in Austin today it peaked at 109 degrees); buildings collapsing; boats sinking; drownings; mass shootings… And Rump is stripping security clearance from all the Intelligence people who are exposing his traitorous collusion with Russia. Damn!

Our plane leaves at 2:28 tomorrow afternoon. Glad we’re going away for a month to a nice safe tropical paradise surrounded by active volcanoes…

We’ve spent most of the day pulling everything out of Dona’s closets and my suitcases, doing laundry, and sorting out what we need to take and what we can leave here ‘til we return in four weeks. Everything we plan to take for all that time has to go into one carry-on and one “personal item” for each of us. We each have a carrion rolly-bag, I have a fat briefcase, and Dona has a backpack. We’re all set now.

Dona hasn’t seen very many movies in her life in the Renaissance, so I brought a few to show her. Last night we watched “The Princess Bride,” which she’d never seen before. What fun to share it with a virgin! Tonight I’ll put on “Taming of the Shrew” with Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor.

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