Wonder Woman and Goddesses

Saturday, 7/21/18

When I was in Vegas having dinner with Morganne Baum, she mentioned a movie I hadn’t heard of, called “Professor Marston and the Wonder Women,” about American psychologist William Moulton Marston, who created “Wonder Woman” in 1941. I thought it was a current film, and I looked forward to seeing it with Dona. But it turned out it actually came out last year; how could I have missed it? So we rented it and watched it last Tuesday. A beautiful and sensitive dramatization of the polyamorous love story that inspired the creation of the most famous and enduring superheroine of all time.

Thursday Dona and I drove over to visit Wolf and Kat at their beautiful home in Round Rock, about a half hour from where Dona is staying between shows (she works at the various Texas Renaissance Festivals and Faires). We had a lot to catch up on, including making the full catalogue of MG’s Goddess collection available in print form, and producing the series of “Golden Goddess Guides” she’d envisioned, based on her 13 weekend Goddess seminars she conducted at RavenHaven. We went out to dinner at Threadgills, which Maureen had recommended as having the “best food on Earth.” It was really good!

In just a few more days we’re flying off to Guatemala for four weeks! We are so excited!

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