Snowstorms and New Opportunities

Wednesday 1/30/19

After driving back to the Ren Faire site 45 miles north of Houston, I spent another week with Dona in her little school bus. I hope you all watched the awesome Blood Moon eclipse on Sunday night, the 20th. It was quite a spectacle!

I took a Lyft to the Houston airport and flew back to Boston on Thursday the 24th. There was a huge storm which buffeted the plane like a small boat on a stormy sea as we flew into the Boston airport. The government shutdown was clearly affecting the airports, which were crowded with passengers backed up by flight delays and cancellations. If I’d scheduled my flight a day later, I might never have been able to go at all.

I was met at the airport by my good friend Andy Burke, who drove me back to Salem in the pouring rain and dense traffic. What would normally be a half-hour drive took nearly an hour. It was good to get back to Gypsy’s after the harrowing adventure. While I was away, there’d been quite a snowstorm, but most of it had melted by the time I returned—except for piles of hard drifts from the snowplows. Glad I missed it! However, it’s snowing here tonight, and the temp (with wind chill) is expected to get down to 20 below zero by morning!

Saturday the 26th was a wedding for the daughter of one of Gypsy’s friends, which was a wonderful event. Having performed hundreds of weddings and handfastings over the past 50 years, it’s rare that I’ve been able to attend a wedding where I am not myself officiating, and can just enjoy myself with no responsibilities.

Yesterday I did a major Skype interview, auditioning for a new TV show dealing with unexplained phenomena. According to the Casting Producer:

“I’m seeking experts in several specific areas. I understand that you have an expertise in magic and wizardry and I’m hoping that you might be one of the experts I’m looking for.

“We’re developing a new series for a major cable network that will help people experiencing unexplained phenomena understand what is happening to them. We want to help people who feel they are under a curse, experiencing demonic possession, or living in a haunted space understand what they are dealing with. This project will seriously explore the unexplained, and we are looking for accordingly serious experts who can back up their explanations of phenomena with historical examples of magic, curses, hauntings, and possessions.”

I think the interview went well, and I’ve signed their contract. Now we’ll just have to see if their proposal gets picked up by a “major cable network.” If so, this will certainly affect my plans for the coming year!

Other than the possibility of a TV gig—which would entail studio work in LA or NY, and on-location shooting—my current plans are to leave Salem at the beginning of March, driving South. I’ll be looking for people to visit, and possible book-signing and workshop gigs, in RI, CT, NYC, NJ, Eastern PA (Mt. Joy; Philly), MD/DC area (I want to visit the Smithsonian again…), VA, NC (my brother lives in Hendersonville), SC, GA (Marietta/Atlanta), FL (Orlando).

I’ll lay out more of my plans for this year’s Walkabout schedule in my next journal entry… If you’re along my route and would like to see me and put me up for a night or two, please email me with your address and phone number so I can put it in my address book and cell phone. Thanks!

#pagan #roadtrip #wizard #bucketlist #adventure #ozpatreon

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