Marco and Heather

Friday, 7/6/18

Last night we had a lovely fajita dinner and conversation with Marco and Heather. We discovered that we had several friends and events in common—particularly around the Oregon Country Faire, with the Flying Karamazov Bros. and other entertainers there. They’ve both led an amazing life of adventures, and travels all over the place—from Portland to Cancun to Guatemala. Marco loves Lake Atitlan, where Dona and I will be heading at the end of this month. Heather is putting together a YouTube show on health, beauty and longevity.

This morning Samina and I went over to Haven Craft to check out the space for my workshop tomorrow, and drop off the statues, books and jewelry I have with me. Today is “First Friday,” so a lot of people will be coming through the shop, and hopefully some of my stuff will sell there and I won’t have to carry it all to Starwood.

Samina threw a lovely potluck get-together tonight. About 17 people were here. So many friends, both old and new. Good food and great conversations, connections, and re-connections. I always feel so welcome in Vegas!


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