Wednesday, 8/1/18
Happy Lughnasadh from Guatemala! Today we’re taking a boat across the lake for a week of adventures on the north side with some of the wonderful people who came to my seminar. Carolina is going with us for the first day as our colorful native guide and coordinator of our itinerary. First, we’ll be seeing Angela in San Pedro for some body work, and lunch. Then we’ll take a boat to San Marcos to stay with Felix until Friday, when we meet up with Jam in Santa Cruz for an evening of shamanic journeying. On Saturday we’ll be visiting Deva at his beautiful retreat center in Paxanax, Atitlan Arte Vista, for a Saturday afternoon healing ceremony for the lake and his analysis of my horoscope. Sunday through Monday we’ll be staying at the Regis Spa in Panajachel, where I’ll be taking a parapente (paraglider) flight above the lake—something I’ve waited over 500 years to do! There’s a little museum at the Hotel Posada De Don Rodrigo a few blocks from the Regis where they have Mayan artifacts retrieved from an ancient settlement now deep beneath the rising waters of the lake. Next Monday we’ll be visiting with Joe, and then back to Cerro de Oro and La KzonA…

Hanging out with the workshop folks…