The foundation of the whole right-wing Republican MAGA constituency is rooted in White Christian Nationalism, as expressed in Evangelical Christianity and Christian Dominionism. This is the religion of the entire Trump cult—voters, Congresspeople, and Supreme Court Justices. They maintain erroneously that the US was founded on Christian principles and that the Constitution is based on the Bible. They don’t believe in separation of church and state. And what they really want is for the US to become a white Christian theocracy ruled by Old Testament Biblical law, as in Leviticus (which we all should read!). In short, they think the Republic of Gilead in The Handmaid’s Tale is a utopian fantasy they want to live in.
Evangelical Christianity has a whole organization of propagandists called the “Wall Builders” preaching their revisionist history to the sheep. They’re very influential in Evangelical circles. Their program is outlined in a document called the Seven Mountain Mandate. This is a Dominionist conservative Christian movement within Pentecostal and Evangelical Christianity, and particularly independent Charismatic groups. It holds that there are seven aspects of society that believers must seek to influence or dominate: family, religion, education, media, arts and entertainment, business, and government. Here are some excerpts from the entry on Wikipedia:
The movement is believed to have begun in 1975 with a message from God delivered to evangelicals Loren Cunningham, Bill Bright, and Francis Schaeffer ordering them to invade the “seven spheres” of society identified as family, religion, education, media, entertainment, business, and government. The idea was not seriously considered until 2000 during a meeting between Cunningham and Lance Wallnau. The movement came to prominence after the 2013 publication of Wallnau’s and Bill Johnson‘s Invading Babylon: The 7 Mountain Mandate.
The movement was generally supportive of the presidency of Donald Trump, with member Paula White becoming Trump’s spiritual advisor. White claimed that Trump “will play a critical role in Armageddon as the United States stands alongside Israel in the battle against Islam.” In 2020, Charlie Kirk said, “finally we have a president that understands the seven mountains of cultural influence” during a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference.
By using strategic spiritual warfare, adherents attempt to gain control of the seven mountains by researching and mapping the geographical strongholds of territorial spirits, using prophecy from the movement’s prophets to determine the demons’ names and roles, and intercession in which they pray on-site to rid the location or “mountain” of demons.
Followers believe that by fulfilling the Seven Mountain Mandate, they can establish the kingdom of God on Earth and bring about the End Times.
And the core of their agenda is an all-out “Holy War” to disenfranchise, subjugate and ultimately eliminate all other religions, spiritual pathways and practices in America, and eventually throughout the world.
Heading the Dominionist priorities list is the LGBYTQ+ community, for which they harbor a deep and abiding hatred. The next targets are the other monotheistic religions—Judaism and Islam. They have long hated Jews and Moslems for failing to embrace Jesus as the Messiah, and when Dominionist Christians come to power they persecute both Jews and Moslems. Indeed, as you might conclude, there is a strong Nazi element in their racism and misogyny.
But ultimately the greatest hatred of Dominionist/Evangelical Christian Nationalism is towards Pagans and Witches—which goes all the way back to the beginnings of Monotheism, with Moses and his “Ten Commandments,” and the injunction to “worship no other gods before me.” Exodus 22:18 demands “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.” The entire history of monotheism is a bloody record of religious warfare (“Holy Wars,” Crusades, Jihads…), massacres, genocides, pogroms, holocausts, and burnings at the stake.
For monotheists believe theirs is the “One True Right and Only Way,” and any others are by definition wrong. And being wrong they must be punished, converted, or exterminated. And that’s us, dear friends.
So far, we Pagans and Witches seem to have been flying under the radar of the MAGA-imperium. Perhaps they just consider us too insignificant to pay attention to. But there are now millions of us in this country alone—more here than the numbers of transgendered, Jews, Muslims, etc. whom they have already targeted. They know we’re here, so don’t expect that we will be ignored indefinitely. Eventually, when they’ve deported the immigrants and implemented the draconian Project 2025 agenda, they will come for us. And we need to be ready.
“In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up.” –Martin Niemöller, 1945[1]
[1] Martin Niemöller (1892-1984). He was ordained as a Lutheran pastor in 1924. When Hitler came to power in 1933, Niemöller became a critic of Hitler’s anti-Semitic actions and his attacks on the Protestant churches in Germany. Niemöller, along with other religious leaders, formed a resistance movement called the Confessional Church. Niemöller was arrested in 1937 and sent first to Sachsenhausen and then to Dachau concentration camp until he was liberated by the Allies in the spring of 1945. From 1961-1968 he served as President of the World Council of Churches. Martin Niemöller died in 1984.