The agenda for the coming Administration has been published and widely circulated as “Project 2025.” The Heritage Foundation has laid out a chilling blueprint to radically transform our government and society by any means necessary, threatening the very foundations of our democracy. The 30-chapter, 920-page book, Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise, presents a meticulously detailed, step-by-step guide for seizing control of every lever of Federal power. Read the damn thing and prepare to be terrified:
Project 2025’s “Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise”
This document explicitly outlines a detailed agenda for demolishing the democratic and public service institutions of our nation, with a comprehensive plan to consolidate all power in the person of a single individual. Not a mere President, but a King. An autocratic Dictator, Oligarch, Ceasar, Fuhrer, Emperor, “Dear Leader”…
And the person who has been chosen to sit the throne by slightly less than a third of the voting-age populace is a corrupt, decrepit, senile, illiterate, stupid, narcissistic, megalomanic, self-serving, mean-spirited, vengeful, lying, cheating, pants-shitting, pussy-grabbing rapist and convicted felon on 34 counts. Just the sort of leader that America—the most powerful country in the world—needs!
Trump repeatedly distanced himself from Project 2025 during the election because it is so obviously anti-American and anti-humanitarian. But now, after the election, he’s appointed the Heritage Foundation’s authors of “Project 2025” to his cabinet. These architects of doom already have executive orders and legislation in place for the following measures:
Project 2025 calls for removing water and air pollution regulations so corporations can do what they want despite the resulting dangerous health risks. It will dismantle most government agencies meant to protect our health and safety—including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Project 2025 also wants to eliminate the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Weather Service (NWS), which track the growing extreme weather conditions on Earth and in outer space to provide warnings for our power grid and to call for preparations and evacuations.
Project 2025 calls for restructuring the Center for Disease Control (CDC), cutting its funding and limiting it from issuing public health advice and alerts.
Project 2025 plans to restructure anti-trust enforcement to reduce the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) role in regulating corporate mergers and acquisitions, lessening regulatory hurdles for businesses seeking to consolidate.
Project 2025 plans to completely restructure and diminish The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which provides public health initiatives for disease prevention, health promotion, epidemic response and social support programs.
Project 2025 recommends cutting SNAP, which puts food in the mouths of young families and the elderly. It proposes to reduce funding to Free School Meals and to completely eliminate the Headstart Program, which offers childhood education, health and nutrition to low-income children and families.
Project 2025 recommends eliminating or curbing Social Security and eliminating or cutting back on Medicare, which will have widespread and disastrous consequences on healthcare access, financial security, and public health.
Project 2025 will remove the training and merit hiring criteria for government administrative positions. You will no longer need to be qualified for your job; you will simply have to be a crony of Trump or some future president.
Project 2025 will remove the independence of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) and place them under presidential control, creating a true police state.
Project 2025 calls for removing national educational guidelines for students and eliminating the Department of Education (DOE), which is charged with making education a national priority.
Project 2025 is planning on cutting all these important services that support middle America to pay for the proposed massive tax cuts for corporations and billionaires. There’s absolutely nothing in this plan for middle- or lower-class Americans. It’s about creating a DICTATOR state for one self-serving individual and making the very rich, even RICHER.
America is being turned into an authoritarian corporate oligarchy, ruled by and for the ultra-rich, with the sole driving force being the exploitation of everybody not in that exclusive group.
The first moves will probably be the revoking of the broadcast licenses of ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN/MSNBC and National Public Radio (NPR) for broadcasting news stories unfavorable to Donald Trump in the recent past. Control of the national news media is essential to maintaining a dictatorship.
But with all of those nightmare scenarios, one aspect of the coming Administration hasn’t received nearly the attention it should. And that is the religious dimension.